Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Voice

Being a single mom of five kids I'm always trying to find ways to put food on the table while being able to tend to all the activities that come with having a toddler, elementary schoolers and a high schooler. A few years ago a friend of mine mentioned she made big money on a weekend of selling novelties at a home party. That week I began  researching products and introduced myself for the first time to Adobe software to make catalogs. I was hooked. After my catalogs I played with designing shirts to give away to promote my new business. Soon after I began playing with designing a website and stepping into internet sales. I am amazed at all the things people can create. Trying to self teach myself, I bought an endless amount of books to get a real grasp of techniques and processes. It wasn't before long until my interests changed from wanting to make money selling novelties to knowing my true passion is now learning how to create eyecatching designs for print and web to help businesses grow. One year after moving from Los Angeles I enrolled at The Art Institute of Las Vegas to learn from industry professionals and become a highly marketable Web Designer. My web design business will incorporate a whole lot of who I am as a buyer, an entrepreneur, a mother, and a woman into what i create for my clients. I am confindent the skills I learn at The Art Institute will empower me to help businesses capture the attention and turn the heads of a buying audience.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Great Customer Service

The quality of a business' customer service can make or break its success. When I walk into a store I expect employees to be upbeat and involved during my entire shopping experience. The look in an associates eyes or their tone of voice can directly set the mood of my time in the store. The attention given to me should have been the same as the attention given to the customer that walked in behind me.  There's so much that goes into making customer service successful and it should come naturally or it won't bring me back. Great customer service shouldn't just exist in high end stores like Nordstroms, Nieman Marcus and Tiffany. It is vital to the success of all types of businesses.